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Our catchment area – Malsch

Malsch is located about 20 km south of Karlsruhe in Baden . The core town is located in the Rhine plain on the edge of the Black Forest . Federbach rises in Malsch . The municipality includes the former communities of Sulzbach , Völkersbach and Waldprechtsweier .

Malsch had 14,809 inhabitants in 2018.

About the history of Malsch ( excerpts from the community website ):

Between the cities of Karlsruhe and Rastatt, in the foothills zone, lies the town of Malsch, whose name is most likely of Celtic origin. At the time of its first written mention in 1065, the community was owned by the Benedictine monastery of Weißenburg in Alsace. Over the course of its history, the community repeatedly suffered deep wounds through years of war, famine and plague. Above all, the great Croatian fire in 1623 caused the already impressive population to shrink from 1,400 to 300.

The strong will to survive quickly led to a noticeable upswing among the residents, who were predominantly active in agriculture. Over time, what was once a purely farming village became a workers' residential community. Many things were created that can still be considered exemplary today. At the end of the Second World War, when the large influx of displaced people also reached the community of Malsch, the focus was primarily on solving the housing shortage. In the years that followed, special attention was paid to road construction and drainage in the local area.

In the industrial area on Einsteinstr. 6, 76316 Malsch is the location of the Veterinary practice – formerly, Anke Essig.

Coat of arms of Malsch

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